Make your administrative processes efficient

Make your administrative processes efficient Safety Management Application designed for our client Safe2Day is an example of a software developed by Calibre Consulting that helps you manage strategic and logistical areas within your company by integrating processes in one tool. This application is a custom web application designed to manage safety actions for their client’s […]

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Why Your Business Should Migrate To SharePoint Online and Office 365

Why Your Business Should Migrate To SharePoint Online and Office 365 One of the main concerns of companies in choosing a Cloud collaboration platform is the security of their information. Office 365 Business is a leading platform that can manage your demands. One of the biggest challenges for Office 365 Business is related to the

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Web Analytics

Web Analytics Part 6: Backups Google Analytics, Facebook Analytics, what is all this? That’s all web analytics (and its very important to your business)! Web analytics is the gathering, report, and analysis of a website (or social media profile) data. These activities focus is on identifying measures based on your organization goals using the website

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Is your web developer holding your website hostage?(Part-6)

Is your web developer holding your website hostage? (Part-6) Part 6: Backups You have probably heard this before: business owners (and sometimes even non-profit organizations) have lost control of their websites because they trusted too much on their developers and did not ask the right questions. Hiring a web developer (or an agency) is a

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Is your web developer holding your website hostage? (Part-5)

Is your web developer holding your website hostage? (Part-5) Part 5: Analytical Data You have probably heard this before: business owners (and sometimes even non-profit organizations) have lost control of their websites because they trusted too much on their developers and did not ask the right questions. Hiring a web developer (or an agency) is

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Is your web developer holding your website hostage? (Part-4)

Is your web developer holding your website hostage? (Part-4) Part 4: Domain Ownership You have probably heard this before: business owners (and sometimes even non-profit organizations) have lost control of their websites because they trusted too much on their developers and did not ask the right questions. Hiring a web developer (or an agency) is

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Is your web developer holding your website hostage? (Part-3)

Is your web developer holding your website hostage? (Part-3) Part 3: Website Ownership You have probably heard this before: business owners (and sometimes even non-profit organizations) have lost control of their websites because they trusted too much on their developers and did not ask the right questions. Hiring a web developer (or an agency) is

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